Smart Load Promos — But With A Catch!

Smart Communications with the start of the new year 2024 has launched a new promotion for their loads for their Smart Prepaid sims.

Their new promotional loads are as follows:

P200 + free P22 (non-shareable)

P300 + free P33 (non-shareable)

P500 + free P55 (non-shareable) 

That's an 11% bonus for each load. Sounds great right? But there's a catch! The entire load is only valid for 30 days instead of 1 year for the regular non-promotional load of the same denomination. That difference is pretty clear in the shot above taken from Smart's website but it is hidden in the presentation given in the Smart App. 

If you are going to quickly consume the load for a subscription to one of Smart's other promo offers then it is a worthwhile deal. However, if you were planning to load the cellphone sim merely to have a backup load and so that the sim does not expire this is not the load to use.